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Higher Self – I AM Presence – Soul

by | Jan 11, 2019 | Energy Healing, Transformation

Your Higher Self is the you that is unlimited and eternal.  A mediator is the portion of self that can translate from the I AM Presence to the imperfect soul.

An eternal, unlimited power, the God/Goddess conscious and intelligent being who is one’s real self.  The Highest Aspect of you that can be attained and held in the 3D physical body.  The soul consciousness that is so much more than the physical form you are familiar with.

Your I AM Presence is surrounded by seven consecutive spheres which make up the causal body, these spheres of pulsating spiritual energy contain the record of all your good work, you could describe it as your Cosmic Bank account.

Individual Presence of the “Most High Living God/Goddess” as part of our nature and being.  It is our unique and Immortal True Identity, yet always sharing in the Allness of God/Goddess. Your I AM Presence is a part of your being right now.  It is not separated from you in time or space, the only thing that separates is our human consciousness, our own sense of limitation.

Your Soul – The Spiritual or immaterial part of a human being, regarded as immortal.  The mental abilities of a living being – reasoning, character, feeling, consciousness, memory, perception, thinking, etc.

Soul decides upon and designs what you experience in this lifetime.  Places parts of it in our consciousness in you as a female or a male body, and you went out in the 3D dimension to experience the game plan that the soul wished you to have.

Support for Julia Stubbe’s Healing Journey

I just wanted to express my gratitude for the love and support the community has blessed me with. I have mostly held personal challenges close to the chest, handling on my own. Guided to allow others to step up and help me is a huge lesson for me. The outreach of kind words and wishes, donations and others support has humbled me as well as touched my heart in ways that are not easily expressed. Will be posting some of my milestones soon. Please continue to share this Go Fund Me, it is greatly appreciated.

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