Rejuvenate Your Life
High-Energy Sessions with Lightkeeper and Wayshower Julia Stubbe.
Gatherings will connect you to other people who welcome you with open arms and accept you just as you are. When two of more come together the energy builds exponentially and amazing things happen with health, wealth and freedom.
Past Gatherings

Free Intuitive Channeled Livestream Healing Session
Join Julia Stubbe the 12th of each month either on her Facebook pages or her YouTube channel to participate.
12 pm PST / 3 pm EST / 8 pm GMT
LIVE 45 minute Livestream

Inner Peace Meditation Free Event
This meditation is a collaboration, featuring hosts Peter van Twuyver and Julia Stubbe
Thursday, May 5, 2022
7:00 pm Eastern
LIVE 60 minute Zoom
Learn how to: calm yourself to begin to feel Inner Peace; set up a Sacred Space with Divine Masculine energies; set up a golden triangle, connecting the heart with the first and second brains; receive sacred codes into the spine to alter your DNA; clear resistance, blockages, cords, contracts and that impede healing and block Inner Peace; and more!
There is no cost for this event however you need to register to attend.
Registration Closed

Monthly Nano Technology Clearings with Julia Stubbe
This is a monthly event that meets the last Sunday of each month.
Sessions – LIVE 30 minute Zoom
The Investment: Julia was guided to provide this service and allow participants to decide the value of the benefit to them. In the registration form you determine the investment and choose what to provide to Julia for her services.
Detaching the Fear Matrix
Through main stream and social media, we are embedded with malicious programming throughout our physical and subtle bodies. By accessing the mainframe of the Reptilian and other non-benevolent beings, we can disconnect and delete any programs that are feeding the Fear Matrices. In disconnecting the fear matrix through all the 5G satellite computers we will have more access to our Divine Blueprint and the coding it provides. (Includes MP3 audio recording of process.)
Zoom Event – Saturday, Jan 15, 2022 at 1:00 pm EST /10:00 am PST/6:00 pm GMT (Time Zone Converter)
Registration Closed