Heart Offerings
with Julia StubbeAwesome Sharings
Guided Meditation and Healing Processes
Free Intuitive Healing with Julia Stubbe. This event is Livestreamed Monthly, the 12th of each month at 12:00 PM PST / 3:00 PM EST / 8:00 PM GMT Looking forward to having you join us.
During this intuitive healing journey we visited a beautiful Field of Dreams and Sacred Pool to assist us in creating the magic to envision and manifest our Best Life.
Free Intuitive Healing with Julia Stubbe. This event is Livestreamed Monthly, the 12th of each month at 12:00 PM PST / 3:00 PM EST / 8:00 PM GMT Looking forward to having you join us.
This healing session included merging with our Higher Self, Clearing old programs, working with the Golden Kundalini and other healing processes.
Join Julia as she connects you with the Beings of Light to take you on a channeled journey to Amenti to merge with the Tree of Life. During this magical journey you have the opportunity to swim in the Emerald Pool, connect with your Lemurian Starseed child, receive activations as well as keys and codes from the Tree of Life. Also channeled two high vibrational Light Language songs that will touch you deeply.
Join Julia as she takes you on a beautiful journey through a magical waterfall cave. Infused with Galactic Light Language, you will receive clearings and activations throughout your physical and subtle bodies.
Use head phones or ear buds for best results!
Join Julia as she assist you in clearing and releasing the false beliefs and programs that are keeping you from receiving. Releasing these blocks will assist you in receiving abundance in all things – including but not limited to unconditional support, acknowledgment, respect, healthy relationships and joy! We will be working with your inner child with focus on the first and third chakra.
Join Julia as she guides you in healing your family and relationship dynamics. This process includes cord cutting, working with past life dynamics, communicating through the higher selves as well as other quantum energetic processes.
Use head phones or ear buds for best results!
Join Julia as she assists you in releasing grief. Please note this guided process may trigger some deep emotional releases. It is important to set the intention that this process interact with your physical body gently and compassionately. This process is meant to be listened to throughout different stages of your grief. Gently releasing the layers of grief over a period of time – remember healing is a process not an event.
Join Julia as she guides you on a journey with your inner child, clearing subconscious emotional trauma associated with energies of being a victim, playing the victim and associated victim beliefs. There is so much trauma throughout out many of our childhoods Julia was guided to create this so we could start releasing and letting these energetic imprints release and let go. Use head phones or ear buds for best results!
Join Julia as she facilitates a this “Apple Flow” guided process to assist you in bringing your energies and bodies into perfect balance. Once you watch this video a few times the process will be imprinted into your consciousness, so all that you will need to do is “say” run my apple flow energy and the process will begin.
Join Julia as she guides you into the magical ocean to connect with the dolphin, blue whale, and sea turtle beings. Be open to receive gifts and activations from these loving beings of the sea. Use head phones or ear buds for best results!
Is your feeling heavy?
Join Julia as she guides you on a deep clearing and healing meditation for your heart. Be prepared for some deep emotinal releases. Use head phones or ear buds for best results!
In this activation process Julia with the assistance of the MeYe85 Group will facilitate the upgrading of the human body computer. Upgrades to the Cranial Central Processing Unit, the Central Core and Grounding cord and grounding plug. Install the Crystalline Mother Board and Graphics Processing Unit. Delete carbon based DNA and Activate the Crystalline DNA are all part of the activation. Use head phones or ear buds for best results!
Join Julia as she takes you on a journey to the Sirius system to connect with the pure life force energy of the Grand Central Sun. Be open to receive gifts and activations during this celebration of the return of Light.
Use head phones or ear buds for best results!
Join Julia as she guides you through the process of activating your Rainbow Body system, allowing you to awaken your crystalline DNA programs and utilize them to the highest potential. We will be assisted by the Goddess Iris, the Goddess of the Rainbow, to anchor and assimilate these expansive energies. Use head phones or ear buds for best results!
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